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Advance Healthcare Directives: What You Need to Know

During this Covid-19 epidemic, an urgent question demands an answer: do you want extreme life-prolonging measures to be attempted on you or someone you love if they are suffering from a life-threatening illness? For us who are particularly vulnerable – seniors, those with compromised immune systems, those already struggling with medical conditions – this question is particularly stark.

Managing Retirees’ and Near-Retirees’ Benefits to Offset Inflation

American inflation will continue through 2023 and beyond without any significant course corrections. It is likely that the forty-year inflation high Americans have been experiencing will last well into 2023 and beyond unless there is a significant course correction.


Caring For Vulnerable Loved Ones

If you have a parent or a loved one who requires care in a nursing home or an assisted living facility, you may wonder how you'll pay for it! At The Johnson Firm, P.C., we can guide you through the steps, whether you are planning for the future or are already in crisis mode. We can provide informed and caring counsel to help your loved one apply for Medicaid or veterans benefits.

Education And Outreach

We believe that education is the key to making good decisions about elder care and estate planning. We offer free seminars, workshops and newsletters to keep our clients fully informed. In addition, we are consistently posting blogs on current topics.

Get Our Free Books In-depth information on elder law and long term care
planning to protect your assets from healthcare costs

Virtual Seminars

Information is the key to making good decisions about elder care and estate planning. We have developed a series of virtual seminars on Medicaid and Long Term Planning, Trusts, and VA Pensions. These provide valuable insight and answers to many of the questions you may have.


virtual seminars

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